Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery
Surgery on eyes, ears, throat and lungs.
At Wellington Veterinary Clinic, our veterinarians have experience performing a number of soft tissue surgeries. Our soft tissue surgeries include:
- Laceration Repair
- Mass/Tumor Removal - basic to complex
- Ophthalmic
- Entropion
- Enucleation
- Cherry Eye Repair
- Urogenital
- C-Section
- Vulvoplasty
- Cystotomy
- Perineal Urethrostomy (PU)
- Pyometra
- Gastrointestinal
- Foreign Body
- Enterotomy
- Gastropexy
- Bachycephalic Airway Surgery
- Stenotic Nares
- Elonglated Soft Palate
- Everted Laryngela Saccules
- Hernia Repair
- Splenectomy
- Anal Sacculectomy
- Screw Tail Amputation
- Salivary Gland Resection
- Rannual Correction
As always, your pet's safety remains our top priority which is why we utilize advanced anesthetic and surgical techniques.
Pets undergoing surgery will be required to have the following:
- Pre-anesthetic blood work
- Negative heartworm test
- Anesthesia
- IV catheter placement
- Pain medication
- Supportive care & monitoring
Following surgery, your pet will be kept comfortable and monitored while recovering from anesthesia. Most surgerical procedures require an overnight stay. We will contact you by phone with patient updates following surgery.