What diet should I feed my pet?
Diet is extremely important to your pet's health and well-being. We offer a wide range of pet foods formulated to keep your pet healthy, such as special diets for diabetes, skin problems, kidney health, weight control, hairball control and urinary tract problems. We also offer foods specifically designed for both older and younger pets as well as a wide variety of vitamins and supplements. Our doctors and technicians will work with you to determine what is best for your pet's health. As a convenience for our clients, we also offer on-line ordering and shipment of some diets through our On Line Pharmacy service.
At what age should I have my cat or dog spayed or neutered?
We recommend spaying or neutering between 5 - 6 months of age.
When should my new puppy or kitten start receiving their vaccines?
They should receive their first series of vaccines between 6-8 weeks of age.
What Flea Products should I use on my dog or cat?
There are many effective and safe products available on the market for flea prevention. The best product for your pet is best determined by discussing your pet's lifestyle and risk of exposure with one of our trained staff members. As a convenience for our clients, we also offer on-line ordering and shipment of many flea products through our On Line Pharmacy service.
What is Flea Allergy Dermatitis?
Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is the most common skin allergy in dogs and cats. The condition is caused by the flea saliva irritating the animal's skin. In some cases, it can lead to excess hair loss and secondary infection. As a convenience for our clients, we also offer on-line ordering and shipment of many flea products through our On Line Pharmacy service.
How did my indoor pet get fleas?
Fleas are quite mobile. They can hitch a ride on the clothing of humans or other pets and gain access to the indoor environment. From there they can inhabit the indoor pets for blood meals and then populate the carpet with flea eggs.
Are fleas dangerous to my pet?
Fleas are a nuisance. An infestation can make your pet miserable not to mention the human members of the family. Fleas can contribute to blood loss anemia and can transmit tapeworms to your pet. They can transmit cat scratch disease, which can be transmitted from cats to humans. Some pets are sensitized to flea saliva; these animals can develop Flea Allergy Dermatitis.
What is Feline Immunodeficiency (FIV)?
Both Feline Leukemia (FELV) and Feline Immunodeficiency (FIV) are contagious viruses and cause illness and death in more cats than any other infectious agents. Kittens can be infected from their mothers. There is currently no cure for either infection, but if your cat is infected there are options for managing the disease to allow your cat to live a productive life.
Why do you recommend the surgical laser for feline declawing?
We offer declawing with a surgical laser as a better alternative to traditional scalpel surgery because the laser seals the nerve endings and small blood vessels as it cuts. This reduces pain and blood loss and causes less swelling. This results in less risk of infection and a faster return to normal activities.
My dog has been sprayed by a skunk. What can I use to wash my dog that will help reduce the odor?
We offer a special shampoo called Skunk Off. There is also a home remedy that you can try:
Skunk odor Home Remedy
1 qt of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 tsp liquid soap Mix just prior to bathing. Do not bottle the mixture and save. Soak pet well and leave on 5-10 minutes. Rinse well. Repeat as necessary.
How does micro-chipping work in case my dog is lost or stolen?
Micro-chipping provides a valuable service in helping to identify your dog or in helping your lost dog find its way home. We use Home Again micro-chipping which utilizes a national database to reunite you with your dog should it end up in a shelter, APL or veterinary hospital. We have a universal reader to read any type of micro-chip.
Why is dental care for my pet so important?
Dental care for your pet's teeth is an important part of their overall health. Tartar build-up and plaque can cause serious damage in addition to foul smelling breath and result in periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a common disease seen in cats and dogs and results in painful gums, loss of gum tissue, infection and loose or painful teeth. The tartar and plaque on the teeth harbor large amounts of bacteria that can travel directly to the bloodstream through inflamed gum tissue. The bacteria may then cause diminished organ function in the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, and can contribute to other health problems and a shorter life span.
Regular oral check ups and dental cleanings can help your pet stay healthy throughout its life. Preventing dental problems is paramount to your pet's long term overall health and it is more cost effective to prevent problems than to wait until there are serious issues that require surgery or extraction.
We offer a Dental Discount in January and February to encourage prevention of dental problems. If you are unsure if you pet has problems with their teeth, one of our technicians would be happy to discuss our dental products or give a courtesy dental exam. Our goal is to help you keep your pet's teeth in good health.
What does Dental Cleaning involve?
Dental prophy (or cleaning) is considered a surgery and your pet will undergo general anesthesia. Although there may be some risks to anesthesia, we use the safest anesthetics available and closely monitor your pet during the procedure. Prior to anesthesia we recommend bloodwork to evaluate your pet's health so that we can tailor our anesthesia and procedures just for them. This bloodwork also helps in determining if there are any indicators that your pet may not be the best candidate for anesthesia, therefore preventing possible complications.
Dental prophy involves many different processes which include; ultrasonic scaling to remove the tartar and plaque from the teeth; fine polishing to smooth the surface of the teeth; Fluoride treatment to help strengthen the enamel, and using a dental probe in the areas surrounding each tooth to detect for cavities, pockets of infection, or gum recession. If indicated we may need to take radiographs of the teeth and possibly do a periodontal treatment or extraction. Lastly we apply a sealant to prevent plaque build-up along with go-home products to help you keep your pet's teeth clean.
Once your pet has had a dental prophy, you can help prevent the recurrence or progression of periodontal disease at home. The best option is brushing your pet's teeth daily and applying a sealant weekly. Other products are available that can be helpful when brushing is not possible such as dental chews or a special dental diet.
Why are dental x-rays important?
Dental radiographs or intraoral X-rays allow us to assess and diagnose the health of the root and enamel to detect hidden problems that even the best oral exam cannot detect. This includes cavities, fractures, abscesses (infection), or bone changes such as with cancer. Radiographs are a crucial part of a complete and thorough evaluation of your pet's mouth. Dental care for your pet is just as important as your own dental care.
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